how to sell luxury cars?

How to Sell Luxury Cars
Whether you are trying to sell an Audi sports car or a Ferrari, selling luxury cars is a similar process to selling any other type of vehicle. The main difference is that more money is involved in the transaction. When selling a luxury car, you must look beyond the standard newspaper classified ads to reach the luxury automobile buying audience. When you find a buyer, the transaction should be like selling any other car.
Step 1
Take photos of each luxury car. Get long shots of the body that include the whole car along with close-ups of the interior and any other special features.
Make a list of the features and specifications for each luxury car that you have to sell. For example, if you have added some customizations to one of the cars, it should be mentioned. Also Note the mileage reading for each car.
Step 3
List each car for sale using the photos and your list of features. Include a way for interthe buyer to contact you, such as a phone number or email address. For high end luxury cars, the Dupont Registry or the luxury Asset Network can be used. For other luxury cars, try R luxury cars or AutoTrader. The price to post your ad varies. As of 2011, fees range between free and $359. If you are not sure how to price your vehicle, look around the site for similar vehicles to see what they are selling for and use that as your pricing guide for fair market value. For Blue Book value, use the Kelley Blue Book website. For rare or high demand cars, the fair market value may be higher than the blue book value because it reflects current market demand.
Step 4

High-end marketing strategies car brands
Craig Berman
Customers should see the LUXUXY in marketing materials for high-end cars.
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Moving luxury and selling high-end cars can be a winning business strategy. However, for companies seeking to enter the market or diversify their existing line of vehicles, effective techniques in selling cars at higher prices require different marketing approaches than those used to sell cheaper vehicles. Any marketing strategy of a high-end car brand needs to exalt the quality of the car, and by extension, the person buy it.
Your marketing materials should make the quality of the car clear. To achieve this, they have to be high quality products themselves. Through words and images, they allow their clients to visualize what distinguishes them. Show them what they're paying for-and do it with high quality pictures, paper, TV production or radio ads. Saving a few dollars in marketing at first could lead to a much larger loss if they cause customers not to take it seriously because of them.
Comfort factor
A high-end car should make customers feel good about themselves, and allow their passengers to travel in style. Make self-indulgence a key element of your marketing strategy. From the seat material, for climate control, to how it manages the car, customers want to see their high-end car as an oasis to escape from anything that can put them past their windows. Driving Experience luxury marketing helps sell the car.
Push the Mark
Luxury car brands have to give their customers a reason to brag. Think about what makes cars that sells worth the price of the premium. Rolls-Royce sells durability, as well as its brand history, with 75 percent of the cars it has never done yet on the road. Others are associated with the dominant racing teams. The interior of a car was able to offer hand-polished wood, while another can have unprecedented technology for the dashboard system and entertainment. Of course, don't be shy about pushing the status symbol of the car. The symbol of the state of prosperity and luxury is worthy of a great premium to some buyers.
If you sell the cheapest brands as well as premium models, it increases the challenge of marketing your high-end cars seems credible without cannibalize the rest of your business. In that case, talking about luxury car products and counting only customers to compare those figures with that of the less expensive models, especially since many of the average price models now offer the elements once limited to the luxury market. Create an image about the owner experience, not a comparison of which has more horsepower and better gas mileage.
Luxury cars don't have that massive, or they have a six-figure price. Companies are increasingly selling compact cars with their premium brands, waiting for the low price attracts younger shoppers or other demographic data that they want their luxury cars now without having to wait until middle age. It also protects car vendors during a recession, as shoppers can maintain brand status without spending so much money. If you offer these smaller high-end cars, you can orient more potential customers and increase their base accordingly.