Having a popular classic for everyday use isn't crazy for these nine reasons

By definition a car happens to be considered classic when he turns 25, although it appears that there are rumors that aim to raise that age to avoid entering the bag too modern cars. It is an incongruity, Yes, 25 years are the same now and two decades ago, but this possible change is due to the evolution suffered by mid-90s cars.
Inside the classics there are different classifications and one that is ideal for thosewho like driving cars from our childhood and we have limited economic resources, the popular classical called. They are those cars with 25 years or more which cannotbe considered ' true' classics as, for example, a Pegasus.
The fondness for these popular classics is growing and increasingly there are moreclubs, rallies and competitions aimed at this type of car. SEAT 600, 127, 124, 131,Renault 4, 5, 12, Simca 1000, 1200, Ford Granada, Fiesta MK1 and a long etceteraof models come within this group... and each time more.
You like to drive a classic daily
Some of these cars may have very high prices, depends on the model and version,but you can also get your popular classic thousand euros. If you are of those who enjoy with them cars of these ages but not can allow you have two cars, to it best your car can be a classic popular. A folly? Don't believe, depends on the case.
This situation not is suitable for anyone and not worth any model. To start depends on the miles you go, if there are many it is not very advisable, but if not wheels too it is perfectly possible. Nor is worth any car, how much more ancient, more problematic. But not only by reliability mechanical, also by the difficulty to get spare parts, the risk that supposed Park it in the street, can be too slow or uncomfortablefor the use daily, etc.
Why a classic popular, in nine reasons
We're going to give nine arguments so you convince you if you're almost decided orto make you convict who can stop you in your decision. Keep in mind that if you are looking for a high-end model things get complicated by costs, but if you move into a normal range can have a whim without borrow you.
1. by the sensations, emotions, fun and driving pleasure to transmit. If you drive acar of this type and not feel a mix of all this, is that that car is not your style, or directly, these cars are not your thing. Their sound, their discomfort, its peculiarities, its smell and his personality are the reasons why one of these cars you're happy in your daily journeys.
2. because with them you drive really. There is no electronic AIDS, or huge tires, hairs, anticipate the accelerations and braking. You have to lead. Even if you hurry tothe fullest and have one of 1991 also you will appreciate that their driving is not assimple as in a current model.
3. because they have enough speed to not be a hindrance. The majority, althoughwe have already said that not everyone. But almost any pileup wheels to 110 - 120km/h and, let's be honest, a few years ago this was a danger on the road becauseyou passed over. Today you can go with your R-12 perfectly 120 Highway without represent a danger for you or for others.
4. because even you can be comfortable. It also depends on the model and your ability to sacrifice, but today there are many classic models very comfortable, even with air conditioning, Central locking and electric windows that usually are the three things that most Miss (and in that order if you use it in the company).
5. not spend so much. So the gasoline appear to consume less with the passage ofthe years. It is not a joke, but it has an explanation. At the time usually took themmore forced and, as I have said, before Pegasus and company, in Spain are circulating faster. Now with a car of these you usually don't be silly and practices a more relaxed driving and taking more care of the mechanics of your pileup.
6 they are reliable. And here is where we can start a very long debate. But it is normal that you choose a model with a proven reliability (the least reliable tend to end up in the scrap yard) and, if you do not force the machine, can last thousands and thousands of miles.
7. economic repairs and mechanical simplicity. Also depends on what you want to complicate life, but if you not going to high-end models it is normal that there are noelectronics from through, they are very simple, many repair you can do them yourself and spare parts are not expensive.
8 because they teach you to assess current models. We are animals of customs andseems normal to us a current car has good performance, spend little, conducted almost exclusively, and super secure. But there was a time that was not the case andthese cars make you to reassess all these points when you upload in one modern.
9. because not going it to being able to hack. The connected car is a fact and we have seen cases of hacks, something that may not happen with a classic. Moreover,the day that someone cross wires and lance magnetic pump, if your zarrio is the ancient can keep using it and you can become a hero type Mad Max.