5 Quality of cars myths, busted

In today's world, perception seems to become a reality. What people believe or perceive to be true is, very often, accepted as truth or reality, whether the facts or not (or, in this case, the research data) admits belief or perception. An area in the perception of reality vs.. Theme is the most frequent is in the automotive industry. Fortunately, we are here to make things clear. Below are five car quality myths that are just that: myths.
2015 Kia K900 foto1. Korea cars have poor quality
Hyundai and Kia have been selling cars in the United States for more than 20 years. Both brands entered the American market positioning their cars with a proposal of strong value but offers little in the way of quality and reliability. Over the years, however, both vehicle brands have matured in every way, offering more exciting styling, a very elegant interior, more functions, and making great leaps in quality. It wasn't until about five years ago that both Hyundai and Kia took another important step and started making cars that the consumers gave that there are no excuses. They were no longer their offerings "almost as good as" Japanese and American offerings. They were there playing on the same court.
Despite a significant increase in product quality, Hyundai and Kia are in the enviable position, where consumer perception takes much longer to change their product lines. According to the JD Power 2015 studio Evita, SM 14% of new car buyers avoid Hyundai and Kia vehicles due to poor quality perception. The study that avoids surveying new vehicle buyers and asks them why they chose to avoid, reject or buy particular models. While 14% of new car buyers avoid these Korean brands because of perceived quality problems, Kia occupies second place and Hyundai fourth place between 33 nameplates in the JD Power 2015 by US initial of the SM Quality Study (IQS), which measures the quality of new vehicles after 90 days of ownership.
4. The stereotype of "American Car"
"Isn't it an American car?" A question that usually with disdain. Contempt that in the year 2015 is unjustified. Data collected from the 2015 that avoids the study shows that 7% of new vehicle buyers avoid a particular model because they do not want an "American" vehicle. This means that 7% of shoppers know about a model that is American and decided not to research or purchases that more because of their status as an American car. As American cars have improved and perceptions of consumers have changed, this figure has been reduced from 10% of buyers who avoided American cars in the studio of Avoider 2010.

In 2015 IQS, of the 10 U.S. identification plates in the study, five-out above the sector average. Chevrolet, Lincoln, Buick, Ford and Ram all exceeded the industry average of 112 PP100. As a reference, only four out of 10 Japanese brands and four out of 11 European brands make above the industry average in the same study.
Not only are American auto companies building higher quality cars, the cars they are building are more elegant, more rewarding to drive, and contain more technology than many consumers are awarded. In the JD Power 2015 by US automobile performance, execution and design studio (APEAL), SM six of 10 American automobile brands score above the industry average. In addition to that, almost a third (nine in 26) of the award-winning segment are American models.
Today's American cars have the strong quality, style, technology and driving dynamics. This is not to say that even the last American car is perfect as it would not be right to say until the last Japanese or European car is perfect. But where is the long-standing stereotype of the "American Car?" Myth expired.
2015 Porsche Cayman foto5. German cars are unreliable
"Do not possess (blank) out of warranty!" The most common is a phrase that is heard in the conversation regarding a German second-hand car. Often known as machines that make the most of driving performance, German cars have had a past with ups and downs in the way of reliability. The image problem of having little reliability can be detrimental to a brand when the 2015 that avoids the study shows that 51% of new car buyers bought their brand and model due to their reliability. Combine this with the fact that in the same study, 11% of buyers avoid German models because of their reliability, and it seems that these marks are in a small predicament.
But are German cars really unreliable? The 2015 VDS shows that after three years of ownership, four out of 5 German brands get better results than the industry average when it comes to quality in the long run. The owners of Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, BMW and vehicles all report less problems than average. This is nothing but a one-year stroke of luck. Since the year 2000, Porsche has scored better than the industry average in the VDS 14 times, even going as far as for higher rank among all the nameplates in the study of 2010. BMW has scored better than the sector average 12 times in VDS since the year 2000, and Mercedes-Benz has surpassed the average industry nine times since 2000.
The myth suggests that these German brands produce unreliable vehicles, but the real results of long-term reliability do not lie. Recently, German brands have been producing reliable vehicles, and the belief that they are unreliable should remain as nothing more than a myth.
t is this gap between perception and real quality where the myth states that Korean cars have poor quality. As the products themselves have improved, the avoidance of brands Hyundai and Kia has been yielding over time, moving from 20% avoidance of bad quality in 2010 to its current figure of 14%. This decrease in evasion is aligned with Hyundai and Kia's last three years of Japanese brands built a bulletproof reputation back in the years 1980 and 1990 by building cars that were much more reliable than their competitors at the time. During that time, Korean auto companies continue to find their balance in the American market, European brands were too ingrained in their ways to change the way they build their cars, and American car manufacturers rake in profits and had little motivation to change their approach to car building. Toyota and Honda were the clear leaders in terms of quality and reliability, but over time this positive association ran by any Japanese car manufacturer. A fast forward up to 2015 and car companies from Hyundai and Kia-Haber more definitely found their balance, the European brands finally woke up and realized that they have to do better, and the American manufacturers received a significant awakening called a few years ago, when the Korean economic crisis hit, and they have finally spent the binge on account of it. So where does this leave the Japanese manufacturers? Grouping all Japanese cars into the stereotype that they have the best quality would be wrong. In the 2015 IQS, the Japanese brand of higher-ranking cars, Infiniti, occupies the fifth overall place. In addition, only four out of 10 Japanese brands are above the industry average for quality after 90 days of ownership. In the same study, eight out of 27 of the award-winning segments come from Japanese brands. Certainly not bad in any way, but not exactly the full acquisition can be expected in comparison to common perception. Make No mistake, Japanese manufacturers are producing competing products, but the crux of the matter is that they are all manufacturers these days, regardless of their origin. As for the common belief that Japanese cars have the best quality, it is time to point out the frozen soundtrack and let it Go. 3. Low-cost cars are unreliable in the 2015 IQS reliability, cite expects 50% of new vehicle buyers as their most influential reason for choosing their brand and model. Keep this in mind when you consider that many luxury car buyers do not have the notion that the less expensive a car is, the less it is suitable for long term use. In other words, a cheap car is a "use and pull" car that is not meant to be kept around for a long time. The ratio of investment to reliability is not at all proportional, however. The JD Power Vehicle Reliability Study SM (VDS) Reliability measures vehicle after three years of ownership. When most buyers are not luxury they listen to the reliability and reliability words, the Toyota Camry is definitely one of the first models that come to mind. And this perception is justified: the Camry, considered for a long time the level of reliability for luxury cars No, performs well in the 2015 VDS, as it occupies the second place in the midsize segment of the car with a score of 101 problems per 100 vehicles (PP100). In the 2015 VDSIQS results, where both brands have scored higher than industry average. As the two brands continue to improve their products, the outdated perception that Korean cars have poor quality is just that: outdated.
002015 Subaru Forester Foto2. Japanese Cars have the Best Quality
2012 Scion XD pic
, there are four small, compact, low-cost cars that score higher than the Toyota Camry vaunted. The Scion XD and Toyota Corolla both receive segment awards, with scores of 81 and 93 PP100, respectively. The fully electric Nissan Leaf and the small Toyota Yaris also surpass the Camry in terms of reliability, with a score of 96 and 98 PP100, respectively. With the exception of the Nissan sheet, the three small and compact models that surpass the Camry in terms of reliability each cost less than $20,000.
With three less than $20,000