How much will autonomous cars tyres give him? Goodyear is studying it with Tesloop

Tesloop and Goodyear are laying the groundwork so that we can know how that will work the mobility of the future in a fundamental security aspect as it is the State of the tyres of the vehicle. When we speak of autonomous driving, we usually thinkof all kinds of sensors, cameras, radars, communication technologies, protocols...
However, often do not fall into account that cars without a driver may operate 24/7, so there will be elements that are subject to a very demanding wear. And perhaps the tires represent one of the paradigms of this problem that will be faced.
The role of Tesloop in Goodyear plans within the study of autonomous cars
Tesloop is a startup in California that has a software about mobility in independent,connected and electrical car services. Its fleet operates on routes of shared mobilitycovering Middle distances (from between 50 and 300 kilometers), and his experience is the company base learning models predicitivos program. That learning can come part of baggage using autonomous cars in the future, in a way reminiscent of theSAM project for Nissan.
For its part, The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company takes time now making foraysinto the world of autonomous driving and Big Data. Apart from presenting its specific tires for Goodyear Intelligrip, beyond of the product based on autonomous has launched project Goodyear Proactive Solutions, solutions in the world of the carriageof goods.
Tesloop and Goodyear already studying what will be the digital future of tires, andmake using a fleet of Tesla Model S equipped with Autopilot.
From July of 2015, each car of Tesloop covers some 20,000 kilometers to the month. In fact, the first vehicle of Tesloop is about to surpass the 250,000 kilometers. All, footwear with successive sets of Goodyear tires, which is a good basis of work tolearn about the behaviour of the tyres in the scenario that we will live when the autonomous driving represents a solid volume of the circulation in the world.
The agreement between Tesloop and Goodyear aims to offer "the more innovative range of technologies and services, intended for the new generation of fleets of passenger transport vehicles", explains Jim Euchner, Vice President of Global innovation of Goodyear.
A future of electric and self that will tour 250,000 kilometers each year
For Goodyear, Tesloop leadership in the use of electric cars semi-autonomous andconnected to the network is an important input. In fact, as it ensures Euchner, Tesloop field work allows them to "know, today will be like the mobility of the future".
And in that mobility of the future, according to Goodyear, will be "usual" that thosevehicles travel "each 250,000 kilometers to the year". Tesloop, Rahul Sonnad, CEOpoints to the type of vehicles that will dominate the transport of passengers "for years", and leaves no room for doubt: "electrical, autonomous and with supercharging systems".
The sum of an and other expectations lead us to a future in which "spending on road transport will decrease dramatically, distances will increase and cars will be running virtually 24 hours a day," according to highlights Sonnad.
The next joint efforts between Goodyear and Tesloop will focus on the creation anddevelopment of predictive models for the tire wear, through systems of machine learning based analysis of Big Data. Then will come the creation of indicators that optimize the procedures for maintenance of the tires.
It sounds like a future, but it is something that is already working. Euchner revealsthat "each time we have more data collected by numerous sensors located on vehicles and removed from online databases". That gives manufacturers "an unprecedented opportunity to create a digital frame in real time" that will improve security while reducing operating costs related to the maintenance of vehicles.